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“一带一路”倡议是新时期中国为加强对外开放提出的全球化合作倡议,资源环境的优化配置对全球化发展意义重大。气温作为重要的基础数据和输入要素,对其进行空间化处理是实现大尺度区域资源环境优化配置的前提。本文基于地理信息技术(GIS),运用距离平方反比法(IDS)、协同克里格法(CK)、回归距离平方反比法(RIDS)和回归协同克里格法(RCK),对“一带一路”地区1980—2017年的2679个气象站点的月平均气温和年平均气温数据进行插值,获得了“一带一路”地区10 km分辨率的气温空间分布数据。交叉验证结果表明:① IDS、CK、RIDS和RCK插值法在整体上均较好地展示了“一带一路”地区气温的地理空间分布规律,4种插值方法的月均气温的均方根误差分别在1.93~2.43、1.78~2.14、1.31~2.23和1.23~1.92 ℃之间;年均气温的均方根误差分别为1.94、1.83、1.37和1.27 ℃;② 在“一带一路”地区,加入协变量分析的CK插值精度整体优于IDS,并且削弱了IDS的极值现象;③ RIDS和RCK对年均气温的插值精度分别较IDS和CK提高了29.4%和30.6%,表明加入地理要素并进行残差修正的插值精度得到了进一步提高。总体来看,RCK插值法对气温数据的插值精度最高,可以考虑将此方法作为“一带一路”地区温度等气象要素的插值方法。  相似文献   
Knowing the phase relations of carbon-bearing phases at high-pressure(HP) and high-temperature(HT) condition is essential for understanding the deep carbon cycle in the subduction zones.In particular,the phase relation of carbon-bearing phases is also strongly influenced by redox condition of subduction zones,which is poorly explored.Here we summarized the phase relations of carbon-bearing phases(calcite,aragonite,dolomite,magnesite,graphite,hydrocarbon) in HP metamorphic rocks(marble,metapelite,eclogite) from the Western Tianshan subduction zone and high-pressure experiments.During prograde progress of subduction,carbonates in altered oceanic crust change from Ca-carbonate(calcite) to Ca,Mg-carbonate(dolomite),then finally to Mgcarbonate(magnesite) via Mg-Ca cation exchange reaction between silicate and carbonate,while calcite in sedimentary calcareous ooze on oceanic crust directly transfers to high-pressure aragonite in marble or amorphous CaCO3 in subduction zones.Redox evolution also plays a significant effect on the carbon speciation in the Western Tianshan subduction zone.The prograde oxygen fugacity of the Western Tianshan subduction zone was constrained by mineral assemblage of garnet-omphacite from FMQ-1.9 to FMQ-2.5 at its metamorphic peak(maximum P-T) conditions.In comparison with redox conditions of other subduction zones,Western Tianshan has the lowest oxygen fugacity.Graphite and light hydrocarbon inclusions were ubiqutously identified in Western Tianshan HP metamorphic rocks and speculated to be formed from reduction of Fe-carbonate at low redox condition,which is also confirmed by high-pressure experimental simulation.Based on petrological observation and high-pressure simulation,a polarized redox model of reducing slab but oxidizing mantle wedge in subduction zone is proposed,and its effect on deep carbon cycle in subduction zones is further discussed.  相似文献   
生态水文学是20世纪90年代兴起的一门研究生态过程和生态格局水文机制的新学科。湖泊湿地作为中国5大类天然湿地类型之一,湖泊湿地生态水文学的研究业已成为生态水文学的研究的一个重要对象和分支,其核心在于研究湖泊湿地生态系统中多时空尺度的水文与生物格局、过程的耦合特征及其相互作用。论文首先概述了湖泊湿地生态水文学的研究进展,包括其基本理论,内涵、外延及其主要研究内容;凝练了湖泊湿地生态水文学研究的方法体系、思路及框架;针对目前湖泊湿地生态水文学研究中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出了湖泊湿地生态水文学未来研究的发展趋势和亟需加强研究的重点方向。在此基础上,以长江中游的典型通江湖泊湿地——鄱阳湖湿地为例,通过开展的湖泊湿地生态水文过程与模拟研究的典型案例,阐述了鄱阳湖湖泊湿地生态水文过程的变化及其植被响应研究的最新进展和研究成果。论文对于构建涵盖湖泊湿地水资源、湖泊湿地生态景观格局与流域管理、湖泊湿地生物多样性保育以及湿地资源可持续利用与生态管理等方向在内的战略研究体系,完善湿地生态水文研究与流域生态与管理的技术支撑体系具有重要的指导意义和实践价值。  相似文献   
为研究裂缝、裂隙介质中波致流引起的衰减,将裂缝看作背景孔隙岩石中非常薄且孔隙度非常高的层状介质,并等价成White周期层状模型.分别考虑不同类型的裂隙和孔隙之间的挤喷流影响,结合改进的Biot方程,推导得到裂缝裂隙介质的刚度与频率的关系.当缝隙中饱含流体时,介质的衰减和速度频散受裂缝、孔隙之间和裂隙、孔隙之间流体流动的显著影响.在低频极限下,裂缝裂隙介质的性质由各向异性Gassmann理论和挤喷流模型获得;而在非常高的频率时,由于缝隙中的压力来不及达到平衡,波致流的影响可忽略.分析表明,裂隙密度主要影响波的衰减,而裂隙纵横比主要控制优势衰减频率和速度显著变化的频率范围;由于不同裂隙的衰减机制不同,衰减和速度频散大小有所差异,但基本趋势相同.  相似文献   
采用GHM方法将EIV模型在最优解处线性化,得到解的近似方差。然后,将EIV模型表达成与Gauss-Markov模型相似的形式,利用标准最小二乘理论推导EIV模型的解及近似方差矩阵,得到与已有算法等价的结论。最后,推导观测值估值和残差的统计性质,建立起一整套EIV模型参数估计和精度评定的体系。  相似文献   
本文采用中国沿海地区13个探空站2010~2014年实测地表温度Ts与平均温度Tm数据,利用傅里叶级数分析法精化中国沿海地区Tm模型,并将2015年探空站实测Tm数据与精化模型进行对比检验。结果表明,精化模型在Tm探测方面具有更高的计算精度,其计算大气可降水量的误差概率分布趋近于正态分布,具有较强的稳定性。  相似文献   
随着海洋生态系统模型的发展,生态变量增多,众多生物过程参数量值的确定成为制约生态环境模拟的瓶颈问题,生态系统结构区域性要求模型中的生态参数具有区域差异。为探究不同海区的关键参数及参数敏感度的空间差异,本研究在渤、黄海建立了ROMS-CoSiNE物理–生物耦合的高分辨率生态系统模型,并对13种生态参数的敏感度空间分布进行分析。结果表明:南黄海中部与渤海及近岸海域的敏感度差异较大。渤海敏感度最大的参数为决定光合速率的浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率,其次为浮游动物捕食半饱和常数和浮游动物最大捕食率。而南黄海中部敏感度最大的参数为浮游动物最大捕食率,其次为浮游植物死亡率和浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率。结合敏感度分布及浮游植物生物量收支得出,渤海水体透明度较南黄海偏低、浮游植物生长光限制较强,是引起浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率敏感度在渤海高于黄海的主要原因。浮游动物最大捕食率及浮游植物死亡率的敏感度空间差异,受渤、黄海浮游植物生物量差异的影响,与生态系统中的高度非线性特征有关。  相似文献   
盆地热体制及深部温度估算对油气和区域地热能资源评估具有重要意义。南方上扬子区是海相油气勘探的重要区块,近年来更是我国页岩气勘探的主要选区。然而,由于数据不足及研究目标的分散,该区的盆地热体制特征还有待深化。结合前人已有地热数据,并整合新近开展的稳态测温数据,我们揭示了上扬子区现今地温梯度、大地热流分布特征,继而估算了1000~6000m埋深处的深部地层温度和2套主要古生界海相烃源岩底界面处的温度。结果表明,上扬子区具有中-低温的地热状态,其现今地温梯度和大地热流的范围(平均值)分别为10~74℃/km(24℃/km)和27~118mW/m~2(64mW/m~2),整体上从东北向西南方向递增,呈现出"东北低、西南高"的分布趋势。1000~6000m埋深处估算温度的分布格局与地温梯度及热流的分布趋势基本一致。东北部的鄂西-湘北地区为低温区,中部的四川盆地其大部分为中温区,西南的云南地区为高温区。上扬子区现今地热分布格局受区域差异构造和岩浆作用控制。结合储层温度估算并综合其他油气地质资料,提出川东的石柱-涪陵、川南的威远-自贡-泸州和宜宾-长宁等区的下志留统龙马溪组页岩层系是上扬子区油气勘探有利区带。  相似文献   
Stable water isotopes δ18O and δ2H are used to investigate precipitation trends and storm dynamics to advance knowledge of precipitation patterns in a warming world. Herein, δ18O and δ2H were used to determine the relationship between extratropical cyclonic precipitation and local meteoric water lines (LMWLs) in the eastern Ohio Valley and the eastern United States. Precipitation volume weighted and unweighted central Ohio LMWLs, created with samples collected during 2012–2018, showed that temperature had the greatest effect on precipitation isotopic composition. HYSPLIT back trajectory modelling showed that precipitation was primarily derived from a mid-continental moisture source. Remnants of major hurricanes were collected as extratropical precipitation during the 2012–2018 sampling period in central Ohio. Extratropical precipitation samples were not significantly different from the samples that created the central Ohio LMWL. Six additional LMWLs were derived from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN) samples collected in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Tennessee, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Oxford, Ohio. Meteoric water lines describing published samples from Superstorm Sandy, plotted with these AIRMoN LMWLs, showed isotopic composition of Superstorm Sandy precipitation was commonly more depleted than the average isotopic composition at the mid-latitude locations. Meteoric water lines describing the Superstorm Sandy precipitation were not significantly different in slope from LMWLs generated within 300 km of the USGS AIRMoN site. This finding, which was observed across the eastern Ohio Valley and eastern United States, demonstrated a consistent precipitation δ2H–δ18O relationship for extratropical cyclonic and non-cyclonic events. This work also facilitates the analysis of storm development based on the relationship between extratropical event signature and the LMWL. Analysis of extratropical precipitation in relation to LMWLs along storm tracks allows for stronger development of precipitation models and understanding of which climatic and atmospheric factors determine the isotopic composition of precipitation.  相似文献   
Water quality is often highly variable both in space and time, which poses challenges for modelling the more extreme concentrations. This study developed an alternative approach to predicting water quality quantiles at individual locations. We focused on river water quality data that were collected over 25 years, at 102 catchments across the State of Victoria, Australia. We analysed and modelled spatial patterns of the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles of the concentrations of sediments, nutrients and salt, with six common constituents: total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), nitrate-nitrite (NOx), and electrical conductivity (EC). To predict the spatial variation of each quantile for each constituent, we developed statistical regression models and exhaustively searched through 50 catchment characteristics to identify the best set of predictors for that quantile. The models predict the spatial variation in individual quantiles of TSS, TKN and EC well (66%–96% spatial variation explained), while those for TP, FRP and NOx have lower performance (37%–73% spatial variation explained). The most common factors that influence the spatial variations of the different constituents and quantiles are: annual temperature, percentage of cropping land area in catchment and channel slope. The statistical models developed can be used to predict how low- and high-concentration quantiles change with landscape characteristics, and thus provide a useful tool for catchment managers to inform planning and policy making with changing climate and land use conditions.  相似文献   
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